
- REF. 4500002002
- Type 4 Steam Multiparameter Indicator
- According to EN-ISO 11140-1 (2014)
- Initial color: yellow
- Final color: black / Dark Brown
- Stated values:
- 121 ºC – 15 min
- 134 ºC – 3.5 min
- Product feature:
- Paper (no laminated)
- Strips 160 x 15 mm (Two reactive seal x strip)
- Lead and toxic metals free
- Zipper bag x 250 units
- Instruction booklet in each bag
- Packing: 50 bags / box
- REF. 4500002015
- Type 4 Steam Multiparameter Indicator
- According to EN-ISO 11140-1 (2014)
- Initial color: blue
- Final color: black
- Stated values:
- 121 ºC – 15 min
- 134 ºC – 3.5 min
Product featured:
- Laminated paper
- Die cut strips160 x 15 mm (Two reactive seal x strip)
- Lead and toxic metals free
- Zipper bag x 250 units
- Instruction booklet in each bag
- Packing: 50 bags / box
- REF. 4500014007
- Type 5 Steam Sterilization Indicator (Integrator)
- According to EN-ISO 11140-1 (2014)
- Initial color: red
- Final color: yellow
- Stated values
- 121 ºC – 15 min
- 134 ºC – 4 min
Product featured:
- Laminated paper
- Strips 60 x 25 mm
- Lead and toxic metals free
- Zipper bag x 250 units
- Instruction booklet in each bag
- Packing: 50 bags / box
- REF. 4500014004
- Type 6 Steam Sterilization Indicator (Three points)
- According to EN-ISO 11140-1 (2014)
- Initial color: 1st. Point: pink Point: Orange 3rd. Point: yellow
- Final color: Black
- Stated values (2nd. point)
- 121 ºC – 20 min
- 134 ºC – 7 min
Product feature:
- Laminated paper
- Strips 80 x 23 mm
- Lead and toxic metals free
- Zipper bag x 250 units
- Instruction booklet in each bag
- Packing: 50 bags / box
- 4500014009 / 4500014010 / 4500014005 / 4500014011 / 4500014012
- Type 6 Steam Sterilization Indicator (Emulator)
- According to EN-ISO 11140-1 (2014)
- Initial color: purple
- Final color: green
- Stated values
- 4500014009:
- 134 ºC-3.5 min
- 4500014010
- 121 ºC-12 min
- 134 ºC-4 min
- 4500014005
- 121ºC-15 min
- 134 ºC-5.3 min
- 4500014011
- 121 ºC-20 min
- 134 ºC-7 min
- 4500014012
- 134 ºC-18 min
- 4500014009:
Product featured:
- Laminated paper
- Strips 75 x 22 mm
- Lead and toxic metals free
- Zipper bag x 200 units
- Instruction booklet in each bag
- Packing: 50 bags / box
- 4500002225
- Type 5 Steam Integrator “Display”
- According to EN-ISO 11140-1 (2014)
- During the sterilization cycle, the steam penetrates the device and drives an indicator that migrates from the left to the right, leaving a blue color on the central window.
Product feature:
- Oval strips 60 x 27 mm
- Lead and toxic metals free
- Zipper bag x 250 units
- Instruction booklet in each bag
- Packing: 50 bags / box
- REF. 4000002104
- Tapes with steam chemical indicator
- External use
Product feature: Tapes 18 mm x 50 mts.
Packing: 48 bags / box
- 4000002124
- Tapes with steam chemical indicator
- High-tack
- External use
Product feature: Tapes 18 mm x 50 mts. Packing: 48 bags / box
- REF. 4500003001
- Self-adhesive labels with steam chemical indicator
- Use in labeling machines
- External use
Product feature: Die-cut labels 23 x 16 mm. Rolls x 1000 labels. Packing: 5 rolls / box
- REF. 4500003009
- Double self-adhesive labels with steam chemical indicator
- Use in labeling machines
- External use
Product feature: Die-cut labels. Rolls x 1000 labels. Packing: 5 rolls / box
- REF. 4500002201
- Bowie & Dick sheets
- Complies with ISO 11140-1:2014 and ISO 11140-4:2007 standards for indicators for use in specific tests. Type 2
- Initial color: yellow
- Final color: black / Dark Brown
- To perform the Bowie and Dick test in steam autoclaves with vacuum cycles in a cycle of 134 ºC – 3.5 minutes
Product featured:
- Paper 90 g/m2
- Sheets 210 x 297 mm (A4)
- Lead and toxic metals free
- 50 sheets x pack
- Instruction and color guide in the pack
- REF. 4500002218
- Bowie & Dick test pack
- Complies with ISO 11140-1:2014 and ISO 11140-4:2007 standards for indicators for use in specific tests. Type 2
- Initial color: yellow
- Final color: black / dark Brown
- To perform the Bowie and Dick test in steam autoclaves with vacuum cycles in a cycle of 134 ºC – 3.5 minutes
Product featured:
- Pack 120 x 120 x 15 mm
- Uniform internal barrier
- Internal sheet 120 x 120 mm
- Medical grade paper wrapper
- External indicator
- Lead and toxic metals free
- Packing: 20 test / box
- REF. 4500002227
- Bowie & Dick test pack
- Complies with ISO 11140-1:2014 and ISO 11140-4:2007 standards for indicators for use in specific tests. Type 2
- Initial color: purple
- Final color: green
- To perform the Bowie and Dick test in steam autoclaves with vacuum cycles in a cycle of 134 ºC – 3.5 minutes
Product featured:
- Pack 120 x 120 x 30 mm
- Uniform internal barrier
- Internal sheet 120 x 120 mm
- Medical grade paper wrapper
- External indicator
- Lead and toxic metals free
- Packing: 10 test / box
- REF. 4500002219
- Bowie & Dick test pack
- Complies with ISO 11140-1:2014 and ISO 11140-4:2007 standards for indicators for use in specific tests. Type 2
- Initial color: dark green
- Final color: orange
- To perform the Bowie and Dick test in steam autoclaves with vacuum cycles in a cycle of 134 ºC – 3.5 minutes
Product featured:
- Pack 120 x 120 x 30 mm
- Uniform internal barrier
- Internal sheet 120 x 120 mm
- Medical grade paper wrapper
- External indicator
- Lead and toxic metals free
- Packing: 10 test / box
- REF. 4500002231
- Bowie & Dick test pack
- Complies with ISO 11140-1:2014 and ISO 11140-4:2007 standards for indicators for use in specific tests. Type 2
- Initial color: blue
- Final color: black
- To perform the Bowie and Dick test in steam autoclaves with vacuum cycles in a cycle of 134 ºC – 3.5 minutes
Product featured:
- Pack 127 x 98 x 15 mm
- Uniform internal barrier
- Internal sheet 127 x 98 mm
- Cardboard wrapper
- External indicator
- Lead and toxic metals free
- Color guide in eack test
- Packing: 26 test / box
- REF. 4500004015
- Bowie & Dick test pack
- Complies with ISO 11140-1:2014 and ISO 11140-4:2007 standards for indicators for use in specific tests. Type 2
- Initial color: blue
- Final color: black
- To perform the Bowie and Dick test in steam autoclaves with vacuum cycles in a cycle of 134 ºC – 3.5 minutes
- The early warning sheet indicates failures before they become they appear on the standard sheet.
Product Featured:
- Pack 130 x 103 x 18 mm
- Uniform internal barrier
- Internal sheets 126 x 97 mm
- Cardboard wrapper
- External indicator
- Lead and toxic metals free
- Packing: 26 test / box
- 45000S4016 / 45000S4017 / 45000S4018 / 45000S4019 / 45000S4020
- Process challenge device with biological indicator and type 5 indicator
- 45000S4016 With biological indicator 24 hs.
- 45000S4017 With biological indicator 3 hs.
- 45000S4018 With biological indicator 1 h.
- 45000S4019 With biological indicator 20 min.
- 45000S4020 Only with type 5 indicator
- Type 2 indicator complies with ISO 11140-1 (2014)
- Type 5 indicator complies with ISO 11140-1 (2014)
- Initial color: Red
- Final color: Yellow
- Biolgical indicator complies with ISO 11138
- Allows a biological test of steam penetration.
Product feature:
- Pack 130 x 103 x 18 mm
- Uniform internal barrier
- Load record card with type 5 indicator
- Cardboard wrapper
- External indicator
- Lead and toxic metals free
- Packing: 20 test / box